This white paper provides a guide for the incoming Biden-Harris administration, identifying possible early policy achievements and suggesting priorities for action over the coming months and years.
In the months since the launch of the Commission’s final report, many of the Commission’s critical recommendations have been enacted in legislation, but there is still more work to be done to meet the urgent challenges facing our nation, and much can be achieved through coordinated and thoughtful executive action.
This white paper is intended to provide a guide for the incoming Biden-Harris administration, identifying possible early policy achievements and suggesting priorities for action over the coming months and years.
Within the first 100 days of taking office, the Biden-Harris administration can set in motion three processes that will elevate cybersecurity as an imperative across the government and put the United States on a path toward reducing the probability and impact of cyberattacks against it:
- Establish the Office of the National Cyber Director,
- Develop and promulgate a National Cyber Strategy, and
- Improve the coherence and impact of existing government cybersecurity efforts and further strengthen partnerships with the private sector.
This white paper also highlights seven priorities for the Biden-Harris administration beyond the first 100 days and outlines six areas where the White House can work with Congress to promote a positive legislative agenda for cybersecurity to ensure that the United States is best positioned to prevent, withstand, respond to, and ultimately recover from significant cyber incidents.